Hello to all the readers of my blog. I apologize if I’m posting an entry that veers away a bit from this blog’s focus, but I need your support guys. You see, I have joined the OnAssignment contest sponsored by KLM for the prize of a trip to Toulouse, France. Being the wanderlust that I am, I just found it so hard to resist.
But what really got my attention to join this contest is that writer contestants are being asked to write a topic about “Rediscovering Manila.” Yup, right up my alley there.
So here is my entry “Rediscovering Manila” which I hope you take time to read and click on the “like” button if you find it interesting to read at least. Some of the places I wrote have already been discussed in this blog while some I’m still working on writing future entries for those places. I apologize if the formatting of the article seems to be a bit off; something must have gone wrong in the uploading of entry which is not that way as I wrote it originally.
While I may have written that entry for a contest, it still espouses the same philosophy and advocacy that I have long promoted in this blog. Truth be told, I rarely ask for favors like this one, but here I am asking for one now. Not only because I want to win, but I would like to treat this one as well as a sort of affirmation that I have somehow was able to succeed in reaching at least some people in letting them know the hidden beauty of this city that should not only be patronized but also protected as well.
Again, click on this link and like it. Thank you very much for your support! Whatever happens, my advocacy remains.