• Special Feature

    Notes From TEDxDiliman 2015

    The Urban Roamer was honored to be among the chosen to be invited to this year’s TEDxDiliman which was held last Sunday, October 11 at the Diosdado Macapagal Hall (AKA the auditorium) of the School of Economics of the University of the Philippines Diliman. It was a very enlightening event, having learned a lot from this year’s speakers who have shared their experiences in relation to this year’s them; “Paths Less Traveled.” And I have to say, it is a theme that rings close to my heart at the moment as I am currently in the midst of that journey myself. But before I go on, some of you may…

  • Pasig

    Roaming the Lopez Museum and Library

    When it comes to influential Filipino families, the Lopezes are one of those families you either love or hate. Nevertheless, their contributions to the country, whether good or otherwise, have made a lasting impression on the country that are still being felt today. Even in the realm of Philippine museums and libraries, the Lopezes have also managed to make a mark with having established the country’s oldest privately owned and managed museum and library, the Lopez Museum and Library.

  • Site Announcement

    Bloggys 2015: The Urban Roamer Needs YOU!

    It is with great pride and honor to announce to you all that the Urban Roamer has been chosen as one of the nominees for the first ever Bloggys awards to be held on November 21. 2015. And what is the Bloggys you may ask? It is a prestigious event that seeks to honor the finest bloggers in the country. Yes, it’s that big. As such, the Urban Roamer will be facing some very, very tough competition, especially coming from those who are bloggers that I look up and respect to. It’s hard to be in competition with them, I know. And to be honest, I have no pretensions of…

  • Pasay

    Philippine Air Force Aerospace Museum: A Home to Philippine Aviation History

    Let’s face it. One can’t help talking about the Philippine Air Force (PAF) without citing the current state of things there, notably the limited number of aircraft and equipment that has made it not readily equipped in the event of a possible catastrophe or threat to national security. Still, we have to salute the men and women of the PAF for their dedication in spite of these odds. And the PAF has a notable history to show it. That history is enshrined at the Philippine Air Force Aerospace Museum at the PAF Headquarters at Villamor Air Base. Formerly named Nichols Field, (named after Captain Henry E. Nichols, a US Navy…