This is an entry that should have been done a week before. But due to prior commitments and other matters I had to postpone it. But since it is still a month of remembrance of the departed, better late than never in sharing this particular entry. As a post-All Saints Day entry, the Urban Roamer decided to check out a cemetery as it is a yearly tradition here. This year, we went up deep in Quezon City to visit the vast memorial park known for its patriotic Filipino flair, the Himlayang Pilipino Memorial Park.
Tektite Tales: The Philippine Stock Exchange and the PSE Centre in Pasig
Right at the heart of Ortigas Center, the Pasig side of Ortigas Center in particular, lies the nerve center of commercial activity in the country. Well to be specifc, it’s one of the centers actually, but we’ll get to that later. Today, the Urban Roamer checks out the Tektite Towers, also known formally as the Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, where the country’s national bourse, the Philippine Stock Exchange or PSE currently holds office.
For The Kid At Heart: A Visit To Yexel’s Toy Museum
Whether you are a kid or a kid at heart, we all have this love and appreciation for toys. It’s inexplicable but there’s something about them that makes us giddy inside as the little child in us comes to life. And if you want to go to a place where you can experience being a kid again, one place the Urban Roamer would recommend for you to check out is Yexel’s Toy Museum and see a wide array of toys and other items on display.
Ninoy Aquino International Airport or NAIA, Manila and the Philippines’ premier gateway is in the spotlight once again. Sadly, it is not that type of spotlight that would showcase this oft-derided airport in the positive light. This comes with after repeated incidents of passengers being caught by airport security ostensibly because they were carrying some bullets in their luggage upon inspection, a charge being denied by the passengers involved and are in turn crying foul over them being framed for the crime. These incidents have become known as “laglag bala” or dropped bullet incidents, a new low for the airport whose reputation has been in the low for quite a while now.