random writings

an introduction of sorts

I admit, I’m not good in telling stories.

But I guess my “passion” for the city I was born in and where I grew up most of my life, added with my interest in geography and history, has eventually compelled to at least make an attempt in telling the stories of the city.

To be honest, this little “project” of mine has been in the back of my mind for a long while. I guess being exposed to books like Streets of Manila, joining one of Carlos Celdran’s Walking Tours, as well as my penchant for roaming to any where (especially if that crazy desire for roaming would suddenly hit me) would be the right ingredients for me to cook up such an idea.

Besides, ever since I was a child, I always have always loved geography. And it all began in my trivial interest in knowing the streets and landmarks of the jeepneys that I rode as a kid so I won’t get lost.  Who would have thought that it would eventually grow into something bigger, into some form of passion as some might say?

Eventually, I got to love history as well when I was in elementary.  More than the dates and events, my mind began to wonder how events happened, the origins of language, places, ways of thinking.

It then became a case of 2 and 2 together, as my interest in geography and history began to intersperse. I was then beginning to inquire things in my head like how this certain street got its name, what the story of the certain landmark is. It is unfortunate that there is not much material found online or in print that addresses much of these questions pertaining to Metro Manila. With that, I laud the efforts of writers like Nick Joaquin and Luning Ira and guides like Carlos Celdran and Ivan Mandy who have been able to provide useful information and insight for people like me who wish to learn more about the city.

Inspiration eventually hit me. Took a long while but now I’m ready (or feel I’m ready at least) to share my enthusiasm for the city, (while it’s there at least) and enjoy doing it at the same time.

I admit until now, I still have no idea how to do this and where and how to go from here. Even now as I type this, I’m experiencing some procrastination and feeling this fear that it may end up as a ningas kugon project. But as the proverb say, every roam starts with a single step. So as I take this first step, I hope that the spirit in me remains strong as I continue this journey.

While I don’t know yet how well this venture would bode for me, it is my hope that this site would become not only an achievement for myself but also something that many will appreciate as well. Whether you will like or not the pictures, stories, trivia or other things that will be posted here in the future, I am inviting to share your views, contributions, or other stuff to this site as well. I see this as a “work in progress project,” which hopefully becomes something that would be of interest to anyone who would chance upon this site.

Okay, I’ve lingered here for too long. Time to sit back and enjoy the show as I will be adding some new stuff in the coming weeks.

The journey is about to begin.

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