The Christmas season is a time for shopping madness as shopping malls and venues get filled up more than usual, causing unbearable traffic in the process, and bazaars being held at almost every corner of the metropolis. But the thing with bazaars is that they can be all too much of the same thing, offering the same offerings with not much variety and exciting new finds to look forward to.
With that said, there are a few bazaars to look forward to each year, one of them is the subject of this entry today, the International Bazaar that is held every November or so at the PICC Forum.
Organized by the International Bazaar Foundation, the Ladies of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Spouses of Heads of Mission (SHOM) and members of the diplomatic and consular corps, the International Bazaar is a once in a year shopping events where one gets to see and buy various merchandise from different parts of the globe. It’s like doing some shopping around the world without having to spend much on air fare and accommodations, among other expenses you would incur when traveling.

While there are a number of local exhibitors in the bazaar, most of the exhibitors are the different embassies and consulates in the country, with each of them proud to showcase some of their famous products and goods at bargain prices: from Danish cookies to Bangladeshi apparel to South African souvenir items, there’s something to discover in each booth, especially goods that are not marketed here locally.

Even the dining area in the venue is an international experience in itself as one can find some international fare in the menu.
But what makes this bazaar a popular one every year? Apart from the rare finds, I think partly it’s because it is just a one-day event, making this bazaar much looked forward to by many shoppers during Christmas. Another thing going for it is that it’s a bazaar you should catch as early as possible that day, considering the limited supply of some items of the exhibitors that get sold out pretty quickly.
If you are someone who has a thing for checking out at least what various countries have to offer as far as products are concerned or perhaps looking at something unique to give for Christmas, the International Bazaar is one shopping event to check out every Christmas. Check out the next edition of this event next year and see for yourself what this one of a kind bazaar has to offer.