It felt like yesterday since I decided to cut on my procrastination and blog about something I’ve long wanted to write about: the city and the metropolis I grew up in.
Back then, I never really thought about getting much following. I never intended to beat the number of followers of online celebrities like Carlos Celdran, Ivan Henares, Anton Diaz, the Professional Heckler, and others. All I wanted to do was to be able to have an outlet where I can share my interests and advocacies, no matter how non-mainstream or unpopular they may be.
And throughout those four years of blogging, I am thankful for the thousands of people who appreciate the humble work I have been doing, who shared with me and the others their knowledge and nostalgia of the old metropolis some of us never got to experience. That in itself is a big honor for me. Again, my sincere thanks to all of you!
For someone who admittedly suffers from that Filipino trait that is “ningas kugon,” it amazes me sometimes that I keep on doing this blog. I suppose the interests outweigh that so much that doing this has become second nature to me in a way.
But sometimes, you get to a point sometimes that doing something as regular as this one becomes a cause of weariness. Weariness here meaning being tired of doing the same thing regularly, the mind thus becoming dry of ideas. At the same time, I myself was feeling the limits of what I have set for myself when I first started this blog, as well as that of the written medium as well.
It was these things going into my mind that I decided it was time to take myself and this blog to a higher level. An inspiration came to me:
why not do videos this time?
Now truth be told, I have little knowledge of video editing. In fact, as I am writing this, I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about the basics. Nevertheless, I love videos, whether it’s a beautiful wedding video or even a creative video blogs that I follow. While I do not really see myself as someone making the best video blogs out there, I want to take this as a continuing challenge and learning opportunity for me as I still try to figure out how I could harness the power of social media and see how far I can go.
That being said, I will not abandon this regular blog altogether. Rather my Urban Roamer Vlog (shortened form of video blogs, BTW) will serve to complement this, focusing more probably on events, some guided walkthroughs, whatever I can think of which will be more freewheeling than this one.
Considering the effort and slow speeds it takes to upload a video, I hope I can make at least one vlog a month, though I cannot guarantee that one.
So here it is folks: the first entry of the Urban Roamer’s Vlog! The occasion was a visit at the Manila Collectible Co. which was actually my first time there.
And being my first vlog, please bear with the “roughness” of the video. I am still in the processing of finding my groove, so to speak. Nevertheless, I am glad to have done a decent job for this first outing.
Hope you’ll enjoy it. Hoping as well you will support future episodes of my vlog!
© The Urban Roamer