• Roamer's Roundup

    Fare Hike!

    Classes in a number of elementary and secondary schools have opened this week, so traffic is beginning to be at bit more unbearable than it already is. Expect it to worsen in the coming weeks once classes resume in different colleges (unless you’re studying in one of those colleges who have recently made a shift in their academic calendar that classes would now begin in July or August…but that’s another story) But there’s something else for the metropolitan commuter to brace for that is certain to make impact on the wallet: a fare hike.

  • Roamer's Roundup

    San Miguel Corp. Has An Airport In Mind

    When it comes to Manila’s airport…well, there’s nothing much to say about it, is there? Nevertheless, let me state that the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) is not as bad as others paint it to be. If anything, those problems people are citing about NAIA is with mostly with regards to Terminal 1. Terminal 3, while it has some problems, is a significant improvement compared to Terminal 1. But amenities and facilities of one airport terminal is just part of the problem. In recent years,  air traffic going to and from the airport has risen to such levels that NAIA itself is finding it difficult to address. In addition, the infrastructure around the…

  • City of Manila,  Roamer's Roundup

    The MMDA and Escolta Redevelopment

    Count me as one of the people who are not that fond of how the current administration of the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is handling some of the problems Metropolitan Manila is facing today, from some of its traffic schemes to the problems of some of its traffic officers, among others, But that does not mean I would not give them some sort of praise if the situation warrants it. This happens to be one of the things that I make such praise, thanks to the recent news that the MMDA is lending a hand in the revitalization in the old business-commercial district of Escolta by proposing a creation…