The past few months have been quite a strenuous time for the Port of Manila. Partly, one major factor behind this was the truck ban implemented by the Manila City Government against trucks plying the streets of the city during key hours of the day. (the original hours of the truck ban was virtually whole day from 5 AM–9 PM, but was tweaked so there were window hours set in place for trucks to ply the city streets from 10 AM-3 PM) While the jury’s out whether the truck ban has alleviated traffic in the city, the idea itself gained traction as other cities in the metropolis implemented their own truck…
The Continuing Story of the Army and Navy Club
I was to give this matter a rest for a while, but then this recent news item was enough for me not only to revisit the issue but also perhaps reconsider my earlier views on the matter. Apparently, the developer, Oceanville Properties, tampered with the main building itself and not just the ancillary buildings that it earlier promised to only do and without the presentation of the final plans the developer promised to present. Thus, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines issued a cease and desist order against further works to be done in the building, pending the presentation of the final plans as was first promised.
Saving The Old, Building The New Mandarin Oriental Hotel Manila
As was talked about in this piece some time ago, the beloved Mandarin Oriental Manila will be closing down its operations this year. The hotel’s closing was being done in phases for quite some time, but on September 9, after 38 years in operation, the hotel will finally shut down its operations for good, at least in its current location. Come 2020, a new Mandarin Oriental hotel is expected to open its doors again, and it will be located right across its current location at Roxas Triangle, right at the northern tip of Ayala Triangle.
An Eyesore’s Removal and An Incompetent’s Non-Removal
This first bit of roundup news is, disclaimer, a news item yet to be confirmed by the party/ies in question. Nevertheless, it is something of a good news to start things off. Reports say that Ayala Land is currently looking at possibly acquiring the “chaka” (Filipino gay lingo for cheap, though in this case, it’s more of an extravagant waste) Makati eyesore that is the unfinished JAKA Tower along Ayala Avenue. (one cannot resist doing that “chaka” and “JAKA” wordplay, no?)