• Checked Out

    Checked Out: MAFBEX 2014

    There are a number of food-related trade events every year one should not miss, especially if you are a “foodie.” One of them would be the Manila Food and Beverage Expo (MAFBEX) which just held its 2014 edition last June 11-13. And yes, the Urban Roamer checked that one out recently. First things first, I find it weird to have such a known event not being held within a weekend date as many trade fairs do. Perhaps the organizers may have taken into consideration that one of the dates is a holiday, but still…anyway, moving on

  • Checked Out

    Checked Out: World Quizzing Championship 2014-the Philippine Leg

    It is probably one of the most prestigious global competitions out there, yet it is not that well-known in the sense that many have not heard of it…at least those who are not into hardcore intellectually-stimulating activities. But for those who are into such things, being on this competition is like competing in the Olympics, trying to slug it out with the rest of the world. This folks is the World Quizzing Championship. And the Urban Roamer was there not only to witness it but take part in it as well.

  • Checked Out,  City of Manila

    Checked Out: the Sunday Intramuros Pasyal

    Traditionally, Sunday is day to unwind. For families, Sunday is also family day when families do some bonding together somewhere, especially after attending a Sunday religious service. These days, the venue of choice for these moments would be a modern, air-conditioned shopping mall which offers many amenities and sights to see. While I have nothing against shopping malls, it;s just that they have become so much ingrained in our culture and lifestyle that we tend to forget to look beyond the mall, so to speak. There are many things to discover outside the confines of the mall that may surprise and perhaps enamor you if one takes the time to…