• Waterways

    The Pasig River Ferry: A Different Commuting Experience

    It is with great honor to announce that the Urban Roamer has contributed his first piece for the popular site When In Manila! And for this one, the roamer talks about the commuting experience riding the Pasig River Ferry, the excerpt of which can be found below: Ever since the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) reopened the Pasig River ferry service to the public last April, I have heard some mixed reactions about the service – some were good and some were bad. Negatives aside, I was still curious to experience what commuting via the Pasig River ferry was like. Fortunately, as I was in the vicinity of Guadalupe one…

  • City of Manila,  Waterways

    Estero de San Miguel Reborn

    The success of a gargantuan task such as cleaning up a major river lies on how well its tributaries have been rehabilitated and cleaned up. It is good to know that the current efforts of the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) takes that lesson to heart as they take on the huge task of dealing with the metropolis’ esteros. That is no easy task, and there is still a long way to go. But there have been a few success stories that should serve as a reason to be optimistic in all this. like what the PRRC, the Metro Manila Development Authority, (MMDA) and partner organizations have done to one…

  • Roamer's Roundup,  Waterways

    Welcome Back, Pasig River Ferry

    Today, Manila is all abuzz for two things happening today: the arrival of US President Barack Obama and the reopening of operations of the Pasig River Ferry service. The Urban Roamer will deal with the highlights of the Obama visit as it happens but right now, we will be dealing with today’s reopening of the Pasig River Ferry service in this entry.