About The Urban Roamer

The Urban Roamer came about from the mind of a fellow named Karl Aguilar to serve as an outlet of his interest and passion for the city he grew up in and has come to appreciate, a matter that still tends to be overlooked in the midst of the sprawling chaos and decay that has characterized the city in recent years.

Since August 2009, the Urban Roamer has managed to put out a great deal of content regularly documenting the sights, sounds, and stories of the urban jungle, having helped create awareness of some aspects of the cityscape that have been previously been overlooked or at times, taken for granted.

Throughout this period, there have been some significant developments not only in the city but also with the Urban Roamer himself. With the things that have transpired along the way, new knowledge and insights gained, the time came for a needed redevelopment…

Thus, you are welcome at the new home of The Urban Roamer, redeveloped to further enhance the potential of the Urban Roamer not just as a mere blog but a brand as well dedicated to provide meaningful, worthwhile content documenting the sights, sounds, and stories not only from the urban jungle but also beyond its confines, wherever the Urban Roamer finds himself at.

You can expect to see some new things the Urban Roamer has not tackled in previous years to be touched upon in this new site. Nevertheless, it will still deal mainly with the urban setting of Metro Manila as it always has along with some different topics one can catch here from time to time.

While some of the content of this site may already be found elsewhere, it has been the advocacy of the Urban Roamer to make such content appealing for its audience for them to appreciate and learn whatever information the content provides.


So sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip.


I’m not really that stiff when it comes to legalities and all thatdue credit and to ask for permission if you would like to lift some words or photos from the site.

That’s all I ask in return for the work I’ve put on this site.


for your feedback and other matters about this site, you can “talk back” to me via email: karl@theurbanroamer.com

I am also in social media as well through the following accounts:

The Facebook page at www.facebook.com/theurbanroamer

Via Twitter and Instagram, follow me @urbanroamer


  • malensk

    Glad I found this site while searching for Sta. Ana heritage house I read over at Inquirer. Aweeesomeeeee. I’ve been meaning to have a blog like this. Thanks.

  • ryan


    I’d like to ask your permission regarding the use of the Xavier House picture. I’ll be including the picture in my thesis regarding Philippine Law on Built Heritage.


  • Ian

    Glad to have found your blog about Pasig.Thanks for you detailed description Pasig. It was very helpful:) Keep up the good work!

  • sandra

    i found your blog to be very useful in my current study in Pasig. i am actually doing a tourism development plan and im wondering if i can use your pictures for my tourism campaign video. thank you!

  • Mark.A

    You sir, did a very good job documenting my beloved Pandacan. So I was wondering if I could use most, if not all of the pictures and underlying captions related to Pandacan. I myself am doing a Local History Paper about my native Pandacan, but since the task was given to us just a week before hell week, I was not able to squeeze in a day for this. If you consent, I’ll have you know what grade my prof. would give me along with my thanks. Of course you need not worry that you won’t be cited, that’s a big no-no where I came from.

  • ilayza

    Can I know the name of the author of this journal? I used some statements stated here for our thesis and I have to know the author’s name for proper citation. I hope to have a positive reply 🙂 Thanks 🙂

  • Sally

    Hi, your info about the Intramuros Intendencia building I very useful for my research. I would like to ask your permission to use the a few photos from there

  • Heinz

    Hu urbanroamer,

    I would like to ask you for permission to use of the your pics (Fathers of the Katipunan) in apublication on Philippine culture. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks Heinz

  • Maria Catalina Cabral

    Good afternoon

    I am interested in your article posted on June 29,2012 on Manila’s first flyover, Magsaysay Bridge.
    I would like to have more information on your reference about said bridge being Manila’s first flyover. May I request a reply directly to my email so I can explain further. Thank you so much.

    • urbanroamer

      Hello! Unfortunately, I am unable to send you an email for some reason so I’ll just put in my reply here.

      With regards to your question about the information on my entry about the Magsaysay Boulevard flyover that crosses the railroad tracks, I only managed to get oral history and recollections from people, especially in online history and heritage groups. Unfortunately, I could not find any documented history that I could access to verify the things I heard and read about it.

      I hope this information will be of help somehow.

  • Jet Castillo

    Hi Sir, I would like to ask permission if I can use the photo of the Heneral Luna movie poster for my vlog? I’ll be mentioning it in the vlog as my favorite movie. Thank you.

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